You'll have access to the large film collections in both our specialist film library and the University Centre for Academic English, which stocks a wide range of foreign language films on DVD.
The Lenagan Library in the Martin Harris Centre is home to our DVD film collection, which students can borrow from to watch at home or on campus in screening booths. You'll also be able to watch films in the John Casken Lecture Theatre, which has a cinema standard 7.1 surround sound system.
For postgraduate students, our Film Lab includes editing suites for working on your own film projects.
The University Centre for Academic English in Samuel Alexander Building houses thousands of world cinema titles on DVD. Many can be borrowed for viewing at home, or students might prefer to use one of the Centre’s two multimedia rooms.
You'll also be able to take full advantage of Manchester's thriving film culture, including mainstream and independent cinemas (such as HOME - a large independent arts centre with five cinema screens), multiple festivals, a BFI Hub and the North West Film Archive at City Library.
The University of Manchester is proud to be home to one of only five National Research Libraries in the UK. With more than four million printed books and manuscripts, over 41,000 electronic journals and 500,000 electronic books, as well as several hundred databases, the library is one of the best resourced academic libraries in the country.
The John Rylands Research Institute and Library Special Collections include the archives of significant artists who have worked in film, including the actor Robert Donat and the composer Delia Derbyshire, who realised the original version of the Doctor Who theme.