Everyone is welcome to our public events. Masterclasses and Theory Intensives are reserved for staff and postgraduate students in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures.
Usually no booking is required, but when it is, this will be clearly marked on the event information.
View our current CIDRAL programme which has a different theme each semester, and below you'll find a list of our upcoming events. Please check back as details of our events may change.
Upcoming events
Words Across Borders: French Words in Seventeenth-Century England
This workshop will consist of two presentations: Professor Richard Scholar (Durham) will present his work on untranslated French words such as ennui or je-ne-sais-quoi and what these émigrés words reveal about the rich yet fraught relationships between France and England in the long seventeenth century. Dr Jérôme Brillaud (Manchester) will..
Desi Queers: Exploring Intergenerationality in LGBTQ South Asian Cultures in Britain
How do ideas, cultures and ways of living ‘move’ across generations in queer contexts? How do queer people’s positions outside of mainstream forms of biological (nuclear family) and cultural (schooling, history, heritage) reproduction affect this movement? Moreover, how do multiple forms of marginalization due to race and ethnicity shape..
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